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The best foods that are useful for pregnant women throughout pregnancy

The best foods that are useful for pregnant women throughout pregnancy Many pregnant women do not know the correct nutrition during pregnancy, especially the first months of pregnancy, a woman from the discovery of pregnancy until the date of birth
Many pregnant women do not know the correct nutrition during pregnancy, especially the first months of pregnancy, a woman from the discovery of pregnancy until the date of birth must pay close attention to nutrition, which is the main factor for the formation of the health of the fetus and the mother together and leave the usual diet pattern in non-pregnancy, and to facilitate the new women and mothers, we determine but a table containing the most important foods useful for pregnant throughout the pregnancy and identify foods useful for each stage of pregnancy, whether the first months or the middle of pregnancy to the last months until the date of birth to develop the fetus properly and not expose the mother to health complications during pregnancy and after birth.

Useful foods for pregnant in the first months

This stage is the most stages of pregnancy in which the pregnant woman needs proper nutrition and eating useful foods because it is the most stages in which the embryo is formed and the most important organs of the body, as in the first four weeks of pregnancy the egg is implanted in the uterine wall and then this egg begins to divide into In labor and begins the formation of the spinal cord when the fetus and complete the development of the heart when the fetus in the eighth week, so this period is the most critical, you need proper nutrition rich in folic acid, which protects the child from nerve diseases.
During the rest of the days until the last day of the third month, the eyes, teeth and bones are fully formed and these are the most useful foods at this stage:
1 drink a large amount of water per day approximately 3 liters.
2-red meat, especially low-fat beef because it is rich in high content of folic acid and iron .
3-eggs, cheeses, dairy and yogurt rich in protein and calcium.
4-colorful fruits and vegetables of red, purple, green and orange color .
5-legumes such as beans, lentils and chickpeas.
6-to overcome nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy, you can drink a glass of lemon juice sweetened with honey.

Useful foods for pregnant women in the middle months of pregnancy

1. drink a large amount of Water 3 liters per day .
2-leafy vegetables with each meal such as arugula, radishes, parsley and dill .
3-drink plenty of milk daily, cheese and yogurt .
4-eggs, especially egg yolks.
5. red meat and fatty fish such as salmon .
6-nuts, whole grains and sweet potatoes .
7-fruits and vegetables such as spinach and Mallow .

Useful foods for pregnant women in the last trimester

1-drink plenty of Water 3 liters per day .
2-red meat and chicken
3-avoid legumes in these months to remove from bloating .
4-eat dates in the last four weeks to facilitate childbirth and avoid it in the rest of pregnancy.
5-foods rich in calcium and protein such as eggs, dairy and yogurt .
6. fruits and dried fruits, especially apricots and figs .
7-eat a spoonful of honey bee on a glass of warm water every morning.
8-drink a hot drink such as anise and mint and stay away from stimulants such as coffee, tea and Nescafe .